The Program

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt.  Acceptance letters will be sent out, starting in February.  

We strongly believe that gender identity, expression, and sex variation should never hinder the participation of a student.  The NWYCFFA strives to create an inclusive and welcoming academy. Students of all gender identities will be given equal opportunity to participate in every academy class and activity.  We understand this is a complex topic and welcome any suggestions/feedback for improving our gender inclusion policy.          

Students receive the equipment, knowledge and field training to create a strong foundation, for a lifetime of successful fly fishing and fisheries conservation.

The fly fishing academy is co-educational for ages 12 – 16

Dorm style lodging and an on-site cook serving three great meals and snacks each day.

Male and Female Ghillies aka Counselors

Covid vaccinations and boosters are recommended for everyone at the academy. 

In addition to food and lodging, the academy fee of $750 includes ( as in – Yours to Keep )

     *  A Redington 5 wt. Rod – Lined Reel – Leaders and Tippets

     *  Full Fly Box

     *  A Sling Pack – Loaded with tools, zingers, flotant,  Bug ID Cards and more.

     *  Academy Shirt and Hat

     *  A classic fly fishing how-to book

Students are given their gear on their first day and are responsible for it throughout the academy.  They’ll also be loaned equipment for unlimited fly tying during the academy.  Given fly fishing information that would take the average fly fisher years to accumulate. 

Hours to fish and practice their newly learned skills and most importantly the academy promotes an appreciation of what’s required to maintain and hopefully, improve our planet’s fisheries.  


Fly Casting

In addition to getting good at the basic overhead cast, you’ll also be given instruction about  more advanced casts such as the roll cast,  haul and double haul casts.  

Fly Tying

All the tools, materials and equipment are provided.  After classes, instructors will be available to assist everyone in creating at least four effective fly  patterns to take home.   Camper tied or from our store room, we’ll insure that every camper  always  has a full fly box.  

Fly Gear

fly fishing rods on a table

What’s the difference between a 3 wt. and a 9 wt. rod?  Is a soft action rod better than a fast one?   Some fly lines sink and others float, why?    What’s stronger a  5X or 3X tippet?      Join us  in  June and find out.

Fish Biology

rainbow trout

Learn about your quarry from professionals.   Is that trout a female or a male?  What’s a lateral line? Why are fish slimy?   And then get messy while dissecting a few fish and learn more fishy facts.

Entomology & Macroinvertebrate Sampling

Guaranteed no Latin names, just plain English.  You’ll discover what fish eat, you know – fish food and learn where and how bugs live,  then enjoy a field trip to collect and identify some local fish food in a nearby stream.   Use that  hands on  knowledge and some help in the tying room, to tie matching flies, or at least something close.  Fear not, we have plenty of pre-made flies, if needed. 

dry flies on the water


know diagram

You’ll  learn the basic connection knots needed to set up your fly gear from attaching line to the reel all the way to tying on a fly.   There will be camp time to work on getting these twisty things mastered.  But to help you enjoy your fishing time on the water, everyone gets a pack of  “Knot Tying Reference Cards”  to keep in your sling pack.  It’ll help you remember how to tie that perfect knot, post academy.

Fisheries Conservation and Stewardship

Do you think the fish will last forever?     Discover how you can help keep fish in our  lakes and the rivers. The effects of Fish Passage Barriers and the chemical make up of fisheries water.

old black and white photo of men holding a stringer of fish they caught

Which Fly ?

Golden fish and a fishing hook isolated on white

After you learn how to cast and tie flies you’ll eventually ask –  WHAT  FLY  DO  I  TIE  ON ?      Join us and discover.

Tactics and Techniques

We’ll talk about what clothing you should wear to camouflage yourself.   How should you approach and wade in fishable waters?    What’s the difference between an emerger and a pupa.   How do I present my fly, dead drift or swing?   What size, how deep or shallow?   Can a trout see me on the shore?  

youth fly fishing in a river

Invasive Species

green crab

There are critters and plants we don’t want in our waters.  What and where are they?  Why are they a problem ?  You can help fix it and learn more about them when playing the Invasive Archery game. 

River Fly Fishing

A fish just rose and ate a bug, but which stage of what insect is it eating?    From where do I cast and how do I present and retrieve my fly?    Where do the fish hang out in rivers and lakes?  Learn the answers. 

student fly fishing

Lake Fly Fishing

Campers learning about fly fishing and conservation

A lake offers a large area of water to fish.  Where do I cast?   How do I retrieve the fly?   How deep?   What kind of fish food lives there and where?     The Academy will provide the answers. 

Fish Passage Barriers

What's Inside a Trout

Radio Telemetry

Water Quality

Catch n Release - Keep 'em Wet

keep em wet advertisement

Wading and Watercraft Safety

fly waders hanging up to dry

How can I be safe when wearing waders or floating on a lake?  What is the correct type and fit for a Life Vest?

Angling Ethics

ethics definition

What is an ethical way to fish?  When fishing near others what are the basic rules of fair play. 

Plus hours and hours to fish our private stocked lake and wade a few of the local streams for cutthroat trout.